Who I am and why I'm doing this
My name is Eszter, and I started this project because I decided to become an ADHD coach, and I thought it would be useful to document my journey. Who knows, I might even help someone who is discovering ADHD or the ADHD coach profession.
My first career was as a conference interpreter for the European Union. This is a very prestigious, fast-paced, well-paid gig, and I happily did it for over 10 years... until I learned about the concept of ikigai.
I attended a workshop where the goal was to find our ikigai. I realized that while I was good at my job, I loved it and I was well-paid for it, it wasn't what the world needed.
Then I looked at what the world needed that I could provide. And what I realized is that I have a LOT of neurodivergent friends. I am a rabidly active member of Mensa (for half my life now, actually), and most people that have become near and dear to me have ADHD, autism, or some other type of neurospiciness. I thought maybe I could do something to make their lives better.
I am currently in the beginning of this journey (save my site to check back later!), but my goal is to work with high IQ adults with ADHD, and help them:
get their sh*t together
build the life they desire
live up to their spectacular potential
I don't believe ADHD should be "fixed". I believe it is a superpower that can be destructive if ignored, but that can be a potent ally if tamed. High IQ ADHDers are innovative, funny, and resourceful, and I want to help bring out these qualities.